
‘how to live now’ installation from ‘said/unsaid’,  Errant ArtCentre, 2021


This website includes  current and recent work as well as  older projects .

The older  work is  from 2008-2014  when I was largely focused on the figure. It includes portraits of specific individuals as well as work done from studio models. There is also a selection of fibre work from the series, ‘What I Did Next’, a post graduation project.

After taking a break of several years and relocating to Victoria, British Columbia in 2017, I returned to my art practice focusing  on drawing. My first two series ‘Extended Fields’ and ‘Road Maps’ were largely process-driven abstract works.   I have since been working with text in installation and paintings as well as drawing.  You can see selections under ‘Current’, ‘said/unsaid’.  

For more information about me and my background, see my bio/cv.

Any serious feedback is more than welcome.